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Professional Presence and Speaker Development 

Professional presence is about projecting trustworthiness, competence, and authenticity. It’s a blend of confidence, effective communication, and a polished appearance. Being an effective speaker is crucial to getting your point across, whether it's a private conversation, small group setting, or a large-scale event. Being prepared and practicing is one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself and build your confidence!


All of our professional presence and speaker development courses can be done in a 1:1 session, a small group setting or tailored for a larger audience in an interactive and engaging format. Feel free to contact us to create a custom workshop for your business or group. 

Professional Presence & Speaker Development

Executive Presence


This 90-minute session begins by identifying the core competencies and behaviors needed to project a confident and welcoming presence as a leader.

Participants will assess their strengths and identify areas of improvement. We will identify and practice the necessary skills of commanding a room, adapting to different audiences, and carrying yourself with poise, and communicating confidently.

The Art of Virtual Engagement: Storytelling for Leaders


Are you losing your audience or having difficulty connecting with your team in a virtual environment? This 60-minute session will introduce you to guidelines to build emotional connection in a virtual environment, as well as storytelling techniques that can be used to better connect to others when communicating virtually.

Emotional and Impactful Storytelling


This is a two-part session that dives into the essentials of emotional, impactful storytelling. Participants will explore why showing emotion through storytelling is by far one of the best ways to connect authentically with your audience.

We will discuss why shared-experience storytelling engages others, how to appropriately infuse emotion into storytelling and what delivery techniques work best for your personality.

During the first 60-minute session, we will cover the basics and then in the second 60-minute session we will practice our storytelling in real time, providing an opportunity to get the most proactive and impactful feedback. 

Developing an Elevator Pitch


Delivering an engaging elevator pitch is an essential part of sales and professional advocacy. An elevator pitch is a term used to describe a brief speech that outlines an idea for a product, service, project, or YOU. The name comes from the notion that the speech should be delivered in the short time period of an elevator ride.

Can you sum up your idea in a highly engaging and concise manner? Can you sell yourself in an interview before being asked any questions? This session will help you to develop, refine, and practice your elevator pitch. Ensuring that your message is authentic, easily understood, and well-rehearsed.

Empowered Conversations


Whether you’re delivering difficult feedback, disagreeing with the actions of a colleague, listening to the frustrations of someone you manage, objecting to a directive given by your boss, or simply letting people know how you feel, communicating difficult subject matter can be, well...difficult. 

Yet, avoiding difficult conversations - or mishandling them - can result in emotionally charged consequences that require a tremendous amount of time and effort to repair. Rest assured, there is an easier way. 

This course will help you approach the delivery of bad news through a process that allows you to confidently manage your emotions and skillfully navigate the many possible reactions of the other person. This is a great session for new managers or for those who have difficulty providing critical feedback to others.

Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships


Great interpersonal relationships can get formed in any situation where you interact with other people. As leaders, we need to focus on the top skills to increase our ability to work and “play” well with others.

We will work to identify goals and objectives for productive interpersonal relationships, explore strategies to enhance listening skills, and execute empathic habits.

Given the importance of relationships to our emotional and physical well-being and the value of a productive and trust-filled culture, it’s imperative to learn how to develop and maintain them.


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Highlands Consulting

Issaquah, WA

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